Thursday, July 23, 2015

Call to Action -- Connect with Your Senator

A Small Setback

As readers  know by now, H. R. 1599 has passed in the house by a narrow margin.

You can see how your Congressperson voted HERE.
If s/he votes No, please find them in twitter, Facebook, and call them. Thank them for listening to their districts and voting well.

Do the same if your Congressperson voted Yes, tell them how you feel, how this will affect your vote. Tell them WHY their vote screwed the pooch.

The twitter tag #HR1599 is now trending on twitter. Citizens are NOT happy about the obvious power play to obfuscate our food by enacting a voluntary labeling scheme and overriding any and all labeling laws passed by states. Monsanto must be collectively shitting their pants.

We have the Power.

The people do.

We always have.

We have just been convinced we are too small, too late, too weak, too poor to make a difference.

I know we can.

We are so close to tilting the table the companies who want to keep us in the dark are SCARED.

Do your civic duty, call and write to your Senator.

Now is not the time to delay. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Call to Action Vote No on H.R. 1599

Readers- Mostly Chewy supports mandatory labeling of GMOS.  The vote in the House happens Thursday July 23, 2015. There is no time to delay. Call your Congressperson, ask them how they are voting, and let them know you urge them to vote NO on H.R. 1599.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Fabulous Find Friday 7/10/15

Christmas in July Y'all 

Today I am sharing some photos of wonderfully vintage Christmas decorations from my personal collection. Most photos are of items from the 1940s to 1960s era. Nearly every item has been a thrift store treasure. I have noticed a tendency to only keep in my personal collection items I have found on my own. I do not often 'yard sale' or Ebay for my personal collection, I think perhaps it is not as thrilling as finding a sought after treasure among the cast offs. Thrill of the hunt!!

 My affinity for items from the post World War II era until the late 1970s often makes me wonder if I was born in the wrong decade. Were you born in the right era?  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Shark Week 2015

CHOMP! Save 30% on Shark Themed Personalized Name Stickers at Mabel's Labels 

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Shark Week is finally here!

In honor of these mystifying and majestic creatures, Mabel's Labels is offering 
30% off on Personalized Name Stickers with the Shark or Hammerhead Shark Icon now through Sunday July 12th!

Shop the Shark Week sale at Mabel's Labels & 
Shark Week! Get 30% off Personalized Shark Name Stickers

Got a shark-loving fan in the house?

Here are some jaw-some shark facts: 

  • Sharks have been roaming the Earth for 400 million years. They predate the dinosaurs by 200 million years!
  • Of the 465 species of shark, 74 are listed as threatened and 11 are critically endangered.
  • The smallest shark species, the dwarf lanternshark. measures up to only 7-8 inches in length, the largest (whale shark) can grow to be up to a whopping 50 feet in length!
  • It is estimated that the largest known species of shark, the extinct megalodon, reached a maximum length of 67 feet!
  • Across the globe, sharks are only responsible for about 5-15 fatalities every year.
  • The skeleton of a shark is made entirely of cartilage.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Monsanto Years

Neil Young recently thrilled millions of activists with his latest record released called "The Monsanto Years". The tracks on the album unabashedly sing of the travesties Monsanto has created, what activists are demanding, and the lack of consequences that face large faceless corporations. 

Favorite line of the album:
"Don't say pesticides are causing autistic children 
People want to hear about love 
Don't say people don't vote because they don't trust the candidates 
People want to hear about love"