@RepMike #HR1599 would stop states from labeling #GMOs! #StopTheDARKAct Moms want to know what is IN the food!!! pic.twitter.com/mNXu136Ns5
— Mostly Chewy (@MostlyChewy) July 23, 2015
A Small Setback
As readers know by now, H. R. 1599 has passed in the house by a narrow margin.
You can see how your Congressperson voted HERE.
If s/he votes No, please find them in twitter, Facebook, and call them. Thank them for listening to their districts and voting well.
Do the same if your Congressperson voted Yes, tell them how you feel, how this will affect your vote. Tell them WHY their vote screwed the pooch.
The twitter tag #HR1599 is now trending on twitter. Citizens are NOT happy about the obvious power play to obfuscate our food by enacting a voluntary labeling scheme and overriding any and all labeling laws passed by states. Monsanto must be collectively shitting their pants.
We have the Power.
The people do.
We always have.
We have just been convinced we are too small, too late, too weak, too poor to make a difference.
I know we can.
We are so close to tilting the table the companies who want to keep us in the dark are SCARED.
Do your civic duty, call and write to your Senator.
Now is not the time to delay.