We have a duty to protect our food and water sources.
As a mother, I used to think that my hardest battle with food and my children would be to get them to eat their vegetables. Now, I have to make sure the vegetables I source are organic or local/no spray.
As an activist it is overwhelming to me to present very factual clear evidence of pesticide loads, the diseases they cause, and the non nutritive value in conventionally grown commercial food to be told " That's YOUR thing, I'm not that interested."
How can the health; immediate and long term health of your family not be YOUR thing?
How can protecting the your child's fertility and body against cancer not be YOUR thing?
Are we really that lazy as a society where it is easier to feed our children the cheapest of foods during their formative years and pretend that there are not better options. That good parenting means be permissive with their diet and health?
Your 3 year son/daughter doesn't need to drink a soda, candy bar, or ______. Their childhood will not be any less full filling and magical if they don't experience massive amounts of junk food. Consider that GMOs have only been in our food supply 15-17 years, the junk we ate as children in the 1980s and most of the 1990s did not contain GMOs nor were the allowable pesticide levels as high as they are today in 2014.
Our children are exposed to glyphosate while in utero and in breast-milk and if you from birth if you formula feed to GMOs and glyphosate. Monsanto executives have publicly said that Glyphosate does not bioaccumalte in the human body and any Glyphosate This summer Moms Across America had mothers from all over the country sending samples of drinking water, urine, and breast milk to be tested for glyphosate (aka Round Up) and found levels much higher than allowable levels in drinking water. This is scary.
I'm sad that when States have an opportunity to place labeling on a ballot and they lose by a small margin. It feels hopeless because Mega Corporations pour millions of dollars into TV campaigns, lobbyists, radio placement ads, and fly in spin doctors paid for by the corporations who stand to gain if labeling does not happen in the United States. Labeling is vital to families who want to know what is in their food.
It’s my role, it’s all of our roles, to question this system that has become corrupted and is not, as designed, protecting the public.
— Food Babe (@thefoodbabe) December 7, 2014
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